Pressure Washing Industry Bruises

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Pressure Washing Arnold MD 21012

Prior to getting the go ahead to cleaning this home in Arnold, MD, we were able to speak with the homeowner a bit and it became very clear that the pressure washing industry has some serious bumps and bruises. This homeowner was very worried about all soaps and detergents that we use every day and extremely cautious about using high pressure on her aluminum sided home. She was 100% correct about the siding needing a low pressure wash which is exactly why she called us, but it was likely an untrained contractor that she had a bad experience with that made her weary of having her home pressure washed again.

Once we were finished up, she was thrilled and wrote to us, “It was a pleasure dealing with you and Nelson. Thank you again for doing such a conscientious job on our house. It looks so much better!” Wow, glad she is happy and now knows that her home can be cleaned safely without damage and she can get great service to boot!

As a business owner, I’m hearing more and more about customers in all industries getting poor service, poor quality of work, and the bad thing is that they are all just getting numb to it. If you are a cleaning contractor or are a contractor of any type, I encourage you to get the proper training so you can do the work properly.. I encourage you to read a book about customer service if you are struggling to treat customers properly.. I encourage you to be different from other contractors who either don’t care, or care only about money to the point that the customer is getting the raw end of the deal in the end.

Customers come in all varieties, but one thing is consistent and that’s that many have been burned by contractors in the past and we all need to work to change that.

To do work with a company who values their customers, please consider us, we’d love to speak with you about your property. Also, feel free to contact us if you need a referral to another contractor for different types of work, we’ve got a nice size network of quality contractors that have a good track record of treating customers right and doing quality work.

Call (410) 206-3545 or Email

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